Hello. This post is about Death & Birds.
I have cried with happiness twice this year.
As you know, Norman the Sparrow and his crew arrived and settled into the aviary. Five of the seven Sparrows were ready for release not long after arriving—so I set about the task of separating them. Norman, whose development has been slower than his friends, was an easy catch; the others were near impossible. To cut a long and stressful story short, not five, but six Sparrows ended up back in the wild; leaving Norman alone, and me devastated.
I tried desperately to atone for my failure by making Norman’s space as cozy as possible, adding little houses in an attempt to distract him from his newly found solitude. Technically, he was fine. He wasn’t stressed, he was eating and drinking, but he had never been alone before, and I was nauseous with guilt and self-recrimination.