Oh darling juvenile Robyn. Blessings for your journey. And bless you Chloe, what a beautiful final resting place you prepared for her.

I’m shocked but I guess not surprised by that window strike data. Sigh. I remember reading something a while back about the danger our cities/high rises posed to migratory birds.

I loved learning about the left and right hemispheric brain preferences, and about Sir Ian! I must investigate further, he sounds incredible. I loved the way you laid out western culture’s left brain favouring over the top and how we are SO lopsided and how this is playing out in our harms in ways that are deliberate and inadvertent . “Did we inadvertently spend the last couple of centuries building a world where the sacred is less recognisable?” landed with a lot of sorrow.

I am always left after reading your pieces with hope though Chloe, I am so grateful for that. I’m going to hold the notion of love as a field close. ♥️🪶✨

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And the documentary link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thedividedbrain 🧠💜

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Thank you love, really looking forward to watching xx

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Thank you for your blessings for her, love. 🙏

I hear you, "shocked but not surprised", I hate that I've become almost immune to the outrageous figures of human-induced destruction. There's a part of me that thinks "oh, how horrific and insane; how human", which feels like a sad way to think about ones own species.

I was wondering if you knew Sir Iain, you're in for a treat, friend! The documentary, The Divided Brain, is brilliant, and a great intro to him and his lifework. I'll link it below.

I felt a deep sorrow writing that line. It's not like the sacred has gone anywhere, but it feels like there's a big hand trying to turn everyone's heads in the opposite direction to it.

I'm relived you were left with hope, thank you for sharing that. And for all your sharing ♥️🪶🙏

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It’s so easy to think that we need to always do something to bring out the sacred in things. I so appreciate your reminder that it’s always there waiting for us to notice it and ideally point a few noses in its direction along the way! Much love and thanks again for pointing me in the direction of beauty and truth 🙏♥️🪶✨

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Wow, the divided brain is very relevant to me. When I was in college I investigated 352 different majors, and none of them seemed to fit. This was very frustrating as my roommate chose his major in about 3 weeks, a really hard major, and he stuck with it all his life.

It took me decades to understand that the problem in my case was that right brain dominated mind just couldn't make peace with picking any one particular thing, because I wanted to study it all, the whole. To this day I seem incapable of making a blog limited to a particular subject, even though it's very clear to me that's what I should be doing. How do you explain what your blog is about when you yourself don't know?

Having a right brain dominated mind is great for taking in the sweeping vistas of reality, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but the price tag is that it's rather more difficult to fit in to a culture built around specialization. Jack of all trades, master of none, is not exactly the most promising career path these days.

Regarding bird strikes: How we feel about these events would seem to depend completely on what we think death is. No living thing wants to die, but that doesn't automatically equal death being a tragedy. I don't know what it equals, other than that those who have near death experiences usually seem to be disappointed when they're told that they have to go back to rejoin we the living.

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It’s so tricky isn’t it, if you realise early enough that absolutely everything is interrelated you’re then stuck with the problem of seeing that to understand anything you kind of have to understand everything.

It seems that even having both hemispheres working in unison isn’t particularly appreciated in modern Western culture. I wonder if it’ll ever balance out…

I hear you on the strike front, and I certainly don’t think of every Death as being tragic (though I think it’s possible for a being to be ready to die, whether or not they ‘want’ to). I think the tragedy lies more in the reason behind the Birds Deaths than their Deaths themselves, in that there was no reason, other than a rather solipsistic lack of consideration and attentiveness; one that seems so prevalent in this heavily Left brained part of the world…

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You write, "if you realise early enough that absolutely everything is interrelated you’re then stuck with the problem of seeing that to understand anything you kind of have to understand everything."

One approach to this issue that interests me is to shift some focus from understanding particular things, or understanding everything, to understanding that which understanding is made of.... Thought.


It's thought which divides the everything up in to particular things.

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I’m making my way through this series, and I quickly want to thank you for pointing me to these posts. Part 1 alone is fantastic, “What would be easy to miss is that the “pinkness” we would be observing would not actually a property of reality itself, but would be instead a property of the instrument through which we were observing reality.” That line alone… This is brilliant stuff, Phil. I’m speed reading out of excitement but I wanted to stop and thank you, and also to say that I’m going create some space to go back to it and read it all slowly, too.

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Wow, many thanks Chloe. I'm delighted that some aspect of this article series is working for you. Your encouragement will help me keep the series going.

On your blog we talked about right brain vs. left brain etc. This is my right brain trying to step back from the so many details of the human condition to see a larger picture, and look for a fundamental source of what makes us human. Once the nature of thought is observed, we may start to see it's profound influence everywhere we look.

As one example, it seems that one of the reasons that that we can relate so strongly to wildlife is that they are less dominated by the divisive nature of thought, by this conceptual experience of the world, and thus live more in the undivided here and now, that which is most real.

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In a fairly recent talk McGilchrist said “Things work well as long as the left hemisphere is carrying out work it’s deputed to do by the right hemisphere. Rather like we use a computer. The computer doesn’t really understand the data we draw from the complexity of life. That’s not its job: its job is to process data very fast, and hand us back some that we then make sense of.” It seems to me that’s exactly what you’re doing with this series, and it’s extremely helpful.

Thank you for the wildlife example, that explains in simple terms why being at the rescue centre has had such a profound effect on me.

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For my wife, it's wildlife rehab too. For me, the Florida woods. All roads lead to Rome?

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Yet, isn’t ‘wildlife’ a predator based reality? So death is not indifference, as in the architects’ thoughtlessness, but fundamental design. How does this integrate into ‘less divisive’? This always stops me in the doorway.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope

This is beyond beautiful as you carry us on your powerful query to merge into the greatest Mystery of the Field of Love. I am grateful to follow you as you weave your thoughts and love into this beautiful tapestry.

I am utterly stunned to read your statistics on the death of birds colliding with glass. One utters 'unbelievable!' I have never known this before, it adds a new layer of sadness to trying to understand this life we are living.

I am overjoyed with your discourse about left brain/right brain. I have been aware for many years of the different sensibilities of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The most powerful thing I can do to hold balance in my life is to have a creative project underway, even if I may not be working actively on it, the fact that I have engaged and committed to a creative project keeps my right brain active. It will virtually carry on without 'me', showing me image and color and movement, until I am ready to put my hand to it. I feel it in my entire being. I am also keenly aware that during the creative process I have to return to uncertainty, again and again, to invite the creative flow to remain open and alive. The left brain demands the relief of 'an answer' so we take a few deep breaths and invite the right brain to open again to the unknown. I have made a speech to graduating art classes about 'the Courage to Embrace the Creative Unknown'. So I am soo delighted to read this.

Death and Birds is a bright creative spot in my life, Chloe, and I thank you with love.

I love it that you switched the green and blue fields into opposite hemispheres!

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It's tough to get ones head around figures like that, isn't it? Pretty much incomprehensible. Especially if you've ever had a relationship with an individual bird (or birds) and so appreciate that those figures relate to the negligent Deaths of around a billion individual personalities...

It's wonderful to get the hemispheres working in unison, and really interesting to think about the times in history when the collective was more hemispherically balanced, and the effects that that had on culture.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Rosi! (Nice spot on the colour flip, too 😉)

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope

Hi again Chloe, I am still reflecting on your post and the conversation that ensued. Can you give some information on “the times in history when the collective was more hemispherically balanced”. I would like to reflect more on that as you suggest. Thank you, dear Chloe. I think of you when I watch the magpies bringing bits of moss to strengthen their presence on our high wide window ledge. They also like looking in the window at me as I look at them!

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So, Sir Iain speaks to the beginning of the Greek & Roman civilisations as being examples of the hemispheres working well (not the entire chronology of the civilisations, but what sparked their emergences), and then also the Renaissance (before things started to get a bit lopsided again at its end). There’s a great talk where he goes into more detail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4IeuIg9nGY

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Thank you, Chloe. We’re just sitting down to watch Divided Brain, I will take this one next. I am grateful to have some further thoughts on the sad repetitive question «What is happening to us??» as we watch the world around us unravelling.

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This is such a wonderful piece Chloe.

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to put into words what exactly it is that rubs me the wrong way about how capitalism’s constant churning disregards the sacred dimension of our lives — but your piece helped me articulate it in a way I never have before.

I also never realised that so many birds died from building collisions - that is so sad!

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Thank you, Michael. I'm really glad you found it enlightening. If it struck a chord, I think you would probably enjoy the documentary about Sir Iain's work: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thedividedbrain

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Thanks Chloe, I’ll check it out.

I have heard a little bit about Sir Iain before but I’m still very new to his works.

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The Matter With Things is going to take my whole life to read (and actually take in) I think, but it's worth it.

I'm absolutely loving how everyone is calling him Sir Iain now, too 😁

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Yes it seems like one of those things, that require retuning to over and over.

Thanks Chloe

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This is so aligned with what I was just reading about Blake, Chloe! The synchronicity is remarkable - Higgs thought it was concurrent with the rise of the industrial revolution but even before on the Enlightenment emphasis on rational vs religious thinking. Nevertheless, I'm saddened by the numbers of bird strikes, and angered that architects carry on without regard to the hazard. Thanks for shining a light on the problem.

Your little robin does look like a Waterhouse painting.😢🌈🌈🌈

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Well, synchronicity is always a good sign! I've heard Richard Rohr talk about the Enlightenment actually marking the quiet beginning of the trouble we seem to find ourselves in. It does make me wonder how much of it is chance and how much of it is active manipulation (but I suppose that's for entirely different conversation).

You'd think it would be strange, as an architect, to design and build something so monumental, and then have to shrug off the thousands of casualties it causes. Though I suppose we're all having to live with some level of cognitive dissonance in one way or another...

Thank you, Troy, she was a beauty 💜

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This reminds me a little of the devastation wrought by the fashion for wearing bird feathers, wings & sometimes whole birds on upper class hats in the late nineteenth century, which led to the expansion of the Audubon Society, and a ban on hunting migratory birds in the USA


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Thank you for sharing this link, Michelle. The thought of wearing an actual Hummingbird as a broach literally made me shudder...

I'm most grateful to the humans who put their time and effort into protecting animals in this way.

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Oh yes, Chloe, I agree about the shudder.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope

“Love all God’s creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light. Love the animals, love the plants,"

I only recently have fallen in love with birds, for about the last 8 year as they sing to me to rise. But as I read this quote, I realized how I don't really love or value all God's creations. It's mostly self-serving. And when I read the statistics about the bird deaths from collisions, I had to ask myself if I was more horrified by the number or by the fact that I had never thought about this a day in my life. How could I not know such a thing exists?? How could it literally never have crossed my mind? How can I claim to love something and only think of it in relation to how and when it benefits me? How can I live so disconnected from nature that the care and concern for ALL God's species only comes to mind when I encounter conversations like this. Thank you Chloe as this was a big wake up call for me ❤

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Danette, bless you, and I hear you. There’s so much directing and stealing our attention on the day-to-day, it can be hard work to reclaim and redirect it towards the greater context that the things we’ve come to love exist within. Don’t forget that you’re God’s creation, too. Be gentle. ♥️

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope

Thank you for the reminder


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*re-enters orbit so that I can now comment* 😉

Those are some pretty horrifying stats on bird Deaths from window strikes. I had no idea about how much of an issue it was. My parent's house suffers from this somewhat due to their lounge/kitchen having a view that runs from one side of the house to the other and back outside and I know they get a fair few hits each year from confused birds. I should tell them about those anti-collision stickers.

I've always been fascinated by the differences between left and right hemisphere, loved the extra info here. Astute observations on the shift in left-brain thinking. I hope that some of that can be countered over time, despite the state of the world. In fact, I'm left with optimistic thoughts on the beautiful implications of right-brain mystery after reading. If anything, that's what I always walk away from your posts with: a stirring of the right-brain, a sense of the indefinable.

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So happy to have you back in orbit! And so grateful to you for flagging the comments restriction, I was tiiiiiired when I scheduled it, so am most appreciate of your watchful eye.

The stats are mind boggling. And yes for sure, tell your parents about the anti-collision stickers! They really do make such a difference, and they're not too much of an eyesore. If your parents are in the UK the stickers are very easy to get a hold of.

I'm hopeful, too, that a shift to the more balanced use of the brain could make a real difference...

"...I always walk away from your posts with: a stirring of the right-brain, a sense of the indefinable." Nathan, I think that's probably the most affirming thing you could possibly say to me. Thank you 🙏

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🤗 You are most welcome.

Ditto for David's writing.

And yes, my folks are in the UK, in a lovely little village in Leicestershire.

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You always leave me speechless with your words, and I always learn something new from you. I didn't know there are so many window collisions each year, though I never paid attention, but I imagine that happens A LOT, whether we see it or not. I mean, I see roadkill all the time. Poor animals that once reigned supreme in nature now have to fight for it in so much confusion due to human interference.

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Thank you for you kind words, Nadia. I know, the figures are shocking. And of course those insane numbers are secondary to habitant destruction - it’s just mind blowing how intensely messed up everything seems...

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Indeed. And human greed does not help. But I hope in time there will be more people putting efforts into caring for animals and birds more. People like you give me hope.

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I hope, too. We hope a lot, don’t we? 😊 I like that we share the name...

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Haha, I know, twinning! :D

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Chloe, this is just the most beautiful writing - I am so glad to have found you here.

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Natalie, hi! Welcome. I'm so happy to have you here, and, likewise, am so glad to have found you. The writing of yours that I've read has felt like a homecoming, and your art! Instant relief... Bless you. Very much looking forward to more...🌿

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Love this, Chloe. I have heard McGilchrist on a few interviews before and have had to rewind and re-listen several times because I was completely fascinated by everything he shared. Thank you for another great piece - much to think about.

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I've had the exact same experience, Taylor, almost every time I've heard him speak!

You might enjoy this documentary about him & his work if you've not seen it already: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thedividedbrain

Thank you for being here! 🪶

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thanks for the "little pocket of the sacred", Chloe 💚

the way you artfully weave your love of Birds...

with the "presence and honesty that can open up around Death, and dying..."

is quite masterful.

i look forward to your next installment... 🙏🏼

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I'm always so appreciative of your kindness, darrren

and how poetry flows out of you...✨🪶

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