I’m not exactly sure why but when I read, “the body knows how to die” something loosened, unraveled, softened in me. What a wondrous and obvious but still wondrous fact! Also, thank you for sharing some sweet bits about swifts. You have such a gentle, intelligent way of introducing these winged lovelies to us. There’s a marvelous event at a school yard in Portland every fall where hundreds of city folk gather on blankets to watch thousands of swifts gather like a storm cloud and funnel into the school’s chimney for an evening of rest. Everyone cheers as the last one finally flies in after an hour of innocent, simple spectatorship. I’ve never been so proud to be a Portlander than on those special evenings. I’ll share a video, I’m sure I can find one.

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Yes! Someone shared a video of this on a different post! It was incredible! I can appreciate your pride, and I wish I were a Portlander, too. Miraculous events like that should absolutely be witnessed en masse and cheered.

I'm so glad that that line landed. It's so very true, I wish it were better trusted 🙏

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May 26, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope

Love this piece. Read it thrice. Thank you!

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Thrice?! Rufus, I’m truly honored. Bless you 🪶

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Lovely post - I didn’t know there was a bird called a “swift” - it makes total sense now that I know. Thank you

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Thank you, James - I'm so happy to introduce you (70 mph, Swift indeed!) 🪶

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hi chloe

thank you for sharing the video of the baby swifts doing press ups!

who could imagine it... but then.. you see it and think but of course!

the face of a swift is truly a beautiful thing! i feel very privileged to have seen one and ro have carried Taylor in a shoe box some 30 miles to be cared for and find she/he was still healthy and survived to begin their journey!

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I’m so glad you saw it! And yes, of course! Well done for your role in Taylor’s wild life.

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A Swift doing push-ups, fantastic! And saved that quote for future reference. It reminds me of the definition I heard the poet David Whyte use.

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Isn't the video fantastic! I wish I could post a video that's on my phone in the comments, it's of a Swift being exercised at the rescue centre (being held gently, while he practices using his wings). And the quote! It's so simple, so obvious, but just not something we really allow ourselves to believe, culturally... Thanks so much for reading, Andrei. One from the archives!

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Whenever I subscribe to a newsletter, I do my best to scroll through all of their posts, and bookmark the ones that capture my attention. I figure that’s the only way to really get at what makes that writer tick, to follow their evolution over time. That’s why, unfortunately, I don’t subscribe to as many blogs as I’d like. But the process of taking the time to know a new writer is really something special.

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I lived two blocks from the school for 16 years and portlander’s never lost enthusiasm. https://youtu.be/gHgEAIK8P18?si=xj9HLqX8ycG6oBqx

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This is even better! Adding seeing this to my bucket list.

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Hello, thanks for sharing this beautiful piece. I developed a deep desire to better understand the natural world and birds after reading some essays by Hadden Turner. I’m glad I’m found your newsletter. I’m newbie and just purchased a book on birds in Florida. I am looking forward to learn more by reading your posts. If you have any book recommendations, I’m always open ears. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

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Ronald, hello. I was enjoying your most recent post, earlier. It's so beautifully written. Thank you for finding your way to me, and for your comment. If you're just starting, I can recommend The Genius of Birds, by Jennifer Ackerman. I recently began to re-read that myself, actually. And I'm sure you'll be familiar with Wendell Berry's work through the wonderful Hidden Turner already... Happy to have you here, thank you, and I look forward to listening to your podcast.

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Thanks Chloe! I will check this book out immediately, I sincerely appreciate the recommendation. Once I’m finished reading it I’ll keep you updated with my thoughts and what I’ve been learning

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I have been fortunate to work very closely with birds. Hope you swift gets to set sail soon, they don't travel alone.

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I love learning more about birds, Chloe. Birds are such important nurturing neighbors and companions in my every day life; the soaring sea birds, the nesting tree birds, the tiny wee birds rustling in the lilacs. I also welcome learning more about death, especially from your close at hand perspective. Death has moved into a closer presence for me now. So this is in fact a heaven sent combination for me. 💕

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So happy to hear that you’re appreciating the, albeit somewhat unusual, combination of topics, Rosi 🪶

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deletedMay 22, 2023Liked by Chloe Hope
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Thank you for the prayers 🪶 And yes, there's definitely less urgency around reaching Sub-saharan Africa for the casual Swift.

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